Simplifying Your Move
Moving can be very stressful at times. There are plenty of things involved with it and it’s actually a pretty big step in your life. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed by it.
While it can be very stressful, there are actually many ways on how you can make the move a bit easier for you both physically and mentally. There are a couple of tips and hacks you might want to keep in mind to make everything a whole lot easier for you. Take a look at these hacks to get you started on a new chapter of your life.
Declutter Ahead of Time
You don’t want to bring things that don’t bring any meaning into your life anymore to your new home. As per the popular Mari Kondo way of decluttering, only keep things that “spark joy.” Your move is actually the best opportunity for you to get rid of things that you do not need or want anymore. Anything that doesn’t bring any value into your life anymore, give it a good toss in the garbage can! Free clutter and space in your life.
Prepare an Essentials Box
By the time you reach your new home, you might be too tired to unpack all of your things. So make sure you have an essentials box handy. This box will be the box that will contain everything that you will be needing to make your whole first night in your new place a comfortable one. This includes toiletries, pajamas, your chargers, and skincare essentials.
Take a Picture of Furniture
If you have furniture that needs to be disassembled before you move, make sure that you take photos of it first. This way, you have a reference as to what it is supposed to look like by the time you start putting it back together.
Use Your Towels and Blankets
Do you have breakables that you would be bringing to your new home? There’s no need for you to buy packing peanuts and bubble wrap. All you need are your blankets, towels, and even your curtains! The softness of the fabric can help protect breakables such as plates, glasses, and figurines. You can also stuff crumpled newspapers or magazines in your glasses to keep it more protected.
Hire Professionals
The best way to keep yourself stress-free is by hiring a moving company to help you out. They can help you pack and plan everything out for your move. Of course, you want to keep in mind that you should get in touch with them way ahead of time to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.
Zhang's Moving Company is a moving company that can provide you with the assistance you will be needing for your move. The company is located in San Francisco, CA. If you need more information, just call (415) 584-4425.